Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dear MVM (whoever you are) ...

From this ...

Thankyou for the recent submission of your artwork (or graffiti, as we'll call it for short). Not being artists ourselves, we're usually quite in awe of people who can draw. It's just a pity that you seem to prefer scribbling on noticeboards in Paddington Rec and telephone boxes on Randolph Avenue. As much as we love your artwork, please could you stop it.

Otherwise we'll just keep sending round CivicWatch and the graffiti team to clean up after you.

To this ...

Many thanks to Ian Russell and the CivicWatch team for helping to clean up after this rather irritating individual.


PS If you have spotted any graffiti before we have, please don't hesitate to get in touch and we'll be happy to get it sorted for you.

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