Saturday, December 29, 2007

Carlton Vale: Pedestrian Crossing

One of the issues I have been working on almost since I first became a Councillor thirteen years ago has been improving safety around Carlton Vale.

Our part of Carlton Vale can be a particularly busy stretch of road, acting as a short-cut through from Kilburn/Queen's Park/Brent to Edgware Road and then onwards to the Finchley Road and St. John's Wood. The road does not, however, have an adequate crossing at any point between Dibdin House and the junction with Kilburn Park Road - a real problem for the large number of elderly residents and young families living nearby and the school children walking to St. Augustines.

We've been working closely with local residents from Carlton Vale, Thurso House and Torridon House for a number of years to lobby the Council's Transportation Department to install a crossing. And, hopefully, we are finally close to being successful!

The council is currently consulting on plans to provide a zebra crossing over Carlton Vale at the Carlton Vale-Randolph Avenue crossing. If you would like to see the plans or comment, please do get in touch and we can arrange for them to be sent. The consultation period ends on 11 January.


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