Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kilburn Park Road re-surfacing completed

Success! Local residents of Kilburn Park Road have warmly welcomed the final stage of resurfacing of the road, which was completed a week or so ago.

One of the promises we made to Kilburn Park Road residents during the election in 2006 was that we would sort out the surface of the road, worn down by the large numbers of buses coming down the road and a lack of interest from Brent Council (who were responsible for half of the road's maintenance).

Last Summer we were successful in finally convincing Brent to resurface their half of the road (completed in August). We followed up this year by agreeing with Westminster's Transport Department to resurface our part of Kilburn PArk Road - whihc was completed in two sections in the last few weeks.

The new surface should now significantly reduce the noise and vibrations from the buses and allow a much smoother journery for local residents and their visitors.




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