Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tollgate Gardens

Last week residents of Tollgate Gardens would have received a letter from CityWest Homes with details of plans to investigate estate improvements over the next few years.

Here is the text of the letter:

"CityWest Homes is pleased to let you know that Westminster City Council has been successful in obtaining £2 million funding from the London Development Agency to develop outline improvement plans for Tollgate and three other. Estates. The aim of the plans will be to identify proposals on how these areas could be regenerated to improve the housing, community space, and the look and feel of the whole area.

This is an excellent and exciting opportunity to make a real difference to the quality of homes and neighbourhoods on estates such as yours,provide additional homes and improve the living environment for you the residents.

The funding will allow us to work with the City Council to carry out full consultation with residents. By talking to you, we will find out what you would like to see in your area, and how you feel housing and community space could be improved. We will also answer any queries you may have about this project..

We will be setting up local steering groups and consultation forums to discuss plans for renewal on your estate. . Ward councillors will also be invited to join the steering groups. We want you to be involved from the very beginning and to feel that you can have a real influence in the outcome.

Councillor Philippa Roe, Westminster’s Cabinet Member for Housing will be contacting key residents on your estate to seek their views on how best to get the local residents involved. She will let them know about the success in securing this funding and the Council’s initial thoughts on how residents could benefit.

CityWest Homes are holding a Great Communities Day on 1st August 2009 in Lisson Green Estate, Rossmore Rd NW8 and intend to have a stall there where you can come and speak to us on how you would like to be involved.

If you would like any more information please contact Loraine Ophelia on 020 7245 2308 or"

We're very pleased that the Council has been able to secure this money and is looking at how improve Tollgate for the benefit of residents living there. As local Councillors, we'll be taking a full part in the discussion over the next few months - if you are a Tollgate resident, do get involved too!

We'll keep you informed.

Alastair, Jan and Lee



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