Friday, January 08, 2010

Kilburn Park Road: Consultation Letter

Here is the text of the planning application sent out by Brent just before Christmas regarding the Kilburn Park Road Roundabout planning application:


South Kilburn Partnership has recently made a planning application to the Council.: The application relates to:-
South Kilburn Regeneration Roundabout Site, Carlton Vale, London, NW6

The application proposes:-
Demolition of garages adjacent to Bronte House and erection of 2 part three-, five- and seven-storey blocks to provide 133 dwellings (comprising flats & maisonettes, including 75 affordable units) with associated landscaping and amenity space on roundabout adjoining Kilburn Park Road and Carlton Vale, NW6, including removal of pedestrian footbridge and stopping-up of western side of existing roundabout

The Council now has to make a decision on whether or not to allow the proposal to go ahead. Your views on the matter are important and the attached leaflet explains how you can now get involved in the decision-making process.

If intending to view the documents on our website, the images should be available to view by 14 December, 2009 (or by the next working day if that date is a public holiday). Use the link "Comment on this planning application" to submit your comments online. Note that if you provide us with a mobile number and email address, we will send you standard text updates and notification letters by email regarding this application.

If you wish to comment on this application, your views will be taken into account, provided they are received, in writing by letter, email or online, within 35 days of the date of this letter. Please be advised that under Section 69 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, all applications are available to view via a public register or electronically on line and may be viewed in either format at our offices. Should you comment on this application we undertake to keep you fully informed of progress. We shall endeavour to acknowledge any comments received within 5 working days of receipt and subsequently advise you of the decision.

If you are unsure of anything, please telephone the planning officer whose name and direct-line telephone number appear at the top right-hand corner of this letter. Or you can now text your query to 07781 482464. We are here to help."

The explanation of the proposal is interesting for the omission of any reference to the removal of the roundabout, the loss of the trees and the changing of the traffic flows - key issues, as Brent know, for the local residents who have made their views known to date.

We will be distributing a letter to residents tomorrow from ourselves which provides further context and information for local residents who wish to comment.

If you are a resident of Kilburn Park Road and wish to discuss this, please do get in touch at

Alastair, Jan and Lee

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