Friday, November 26, 2010

Clifton Road works

Slightly outside of the ward but will be of interest to many (particularly those who use Edgware Road/Maida Vale)

Work will be undertaken on the junction of Clifton Road/Maida Vale over the next couple of weeks. The initial works, involving the movement of a traffic island start on Sunday and will involve some delays, particularly for southbound traffic using Maida Vale. Works will be undertaken outside of peak hours to try to reduce any problems.

There is also likely to be further works in Clifton Road after Christmas.


Saturday, November 06, 2010

Maida Vale Area Forum: This Wednesday

The next Maida Vale Area Forum will be held this Wednesday (10th November) at the Paddington Academy between 6.30pm and 8.30pm. Please do come along if you live in Maida Vale and want to get involved with decision making in the Council!

There are three areas of policy that we are asking residents to comment on:
  • how to make Westminster a "living city",
  • the Council's new parking policy review, and;
  • the new Westminster Warden street-based staff.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
