Sunday, September 30, 2007

Randolph Avenue: Parking Change Consultation

All residents living on affected parts of Randolph Avenue should by now have received a consultation letter from Westminster City Council outlining proposals to alter the parking arrangements.

Randolph Avenue residenst have long suffered from the problem of double parking on the street. At the last election we promised to work with Council Officers to bring forward proposals to help alleviate this issue. The consultation now underway is the result of that process. Our survey in Randolph Avenue last year showed an overwhelming number of residents to be in favour of changes to the current parking arrangements. If you believe something needs to be done about parking, please do take the time to respond to the Council's consultation. If there is insufficient support from local residents, the status quo will remain.

If you are a resident and have not received this document, please do let us know and we can arrange for the Council to send you one. The consultation ends on 6 October.


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