Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Oak Tree House Security Improvements

Last night I attended a meeting at the Maida Centre for residents of Oak Tree House to discuss improvements to security in the property.
Starting on Monday the old (and insecure) entrance door to the property will be replaced with a self-closing and much sturdier new system. In addition, as part of the upgrade, new intercoms will be fitted to all properties with extended features highlighting when the door is open and with the option to disable calls (for nightime or shiftworkers, for example).

Oak Tree House is a lovely property just off Shirland Road which has suffered from incidents of anti-social behaviour. We have raised this issue a number of times in recent years with CityWest Homes and we are very glad that they have listened to residents regarding the need to improve security.

The works are due to complete by 16th February.


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