Labour's Not Listening (No. 1 in a series)
Labels: Council Tax
Councillors Alastair Moss, Jan Prendergast and Lee Rowley represent the residents of Maida Vale on Westminster City Council.
Labels: Council Tax
Labels: Biddulph Road, Dibdin House, Elgin Avenue, Randolph Avenue, Water
Labels: Atholl House, Braemar House, Carlton Vale, Dundee House, Edinburgh House, Falkirk House, Glasgow House, Housing, Thurso House, Tollgate Gardens, Torridon House
Labels: Biddulph Road, Dibdin House, Elgin Avenue, Randolph Avenue, Water
Labels: Joanne Cash, Westminster North
Labels: Housing
Labels: Environment
Further information is available from the Westminster Council website (click here)
Labels: Atholl House, Braemar House, Carlton Vale, Dundee House, Edinburgh House, Falkirk House, Glasgow House, Housing, Thurso House, Tollgate Gardens, Torridon House
Jan, who was near the top of the list to ask a question, was able to ask about the recent problems with the Parking Suspensions service, which she described at times as "patchy and unacceptable". The Cabinet Member for Transport accepted the need to continuously monitor and improve.
Our colleague in Little Venice ward, Melvyn also questioned the Executive on the continuing inconvenience caused by Thames Water around Maida Vale, particularly their sloppy attitude to parking suspensions. The Cabinet Member for Street Environment indicated that improvements should now be visible following the Statutory Improvement Notice which the Council served on them earlier in the year. He will continue to raise the issue in his regular meetings with Thames.
Jan also led a debate on the new 'Go-Green' board set up by Westminster Council to reduce the Council's impact on the environment.
Labels: Elgin Avenue, Paddington Rec
Labels: Elgin Avenue, Kilburn Park Road, Randolph Avenue
We'll keep you posted as the roads come back online.
Labels: Biddulph Road, Elgin Avenue, Randolph Avenue, Water
Labels: Biddulph Road, Dibdin House, Elgin Avenue, Randolph Avenue
Labels: Biddulph Road, Dibdin House, Elgin Avenue, Randolph Avenue, Water
On Tollgate Gardens, there remains concern about the drug taking in the bin areas of Godwin House. The Safer Neighbourhoods Team have been made aware and have moved several people on in recent weeks. Further work to discourage this is in the pipeline. There is some also concern regarding drug taking on 40 Tree Green, next to Thurso House and opposite Torridon. The police team are also aware and are making regular patrols.
In the Scottish Towers, there were reports of a number of items thrown out of windows. This is a bit worrying and potentially dangerous given the items being thrown (a hoover, for example). The Estate Office have threatened to start finger-printing any items that descend from the sky - and thankfully the silliness seems to have stopped.
We also discussed satellite dishes and subletting, and went through the Maida Vale Compact - where residents have the opportunity to rate whether or not the Estate Office is delivering on its promises. Residents gave a strong thumbs up for the work done by Laura and her team.
Maida Vale Residents Panels are held quarterly. You can find out more information from the Estate Office (7641 4853).
(Photograph of the Scottish Towers courtesy of CityWest Homes)
Labels: Atholl House, Braemar House, Carlton Vale, Dundee House, Edinburgh House, Falkirk House, Glasgow House, Thurso House, Tollgate Gardens, Torridon House